
Receive an inner tent at 50% when you purchase a bell tent


#MAKEAWAVE with Surfaid

Win a Bell Tent by Donating to our Fundraising Campaign for Surfaid

– Surfaid | Breathe Bell Tents Australia –

This year is flying by and September is upon us.

My boys and I have committed to surfing our local beach break every day in September to make a wave and raise funds for SurfAid.

To spice things up, we will be giving away a bell tent to anyone who donates to our fundraising campaign!

Simply by donating to our cause, any time from now until midnight September 30th you will be entered into the draw to win a 3m diameter Ultimate bell tent with free shipping anywhere within Australia (mainland and Tasmania).

By supporting our fundraising you will give people in remote communities a hand up, rather than a handout.

SurfAid‘s geographical focus is on the heartlands of surfing where few visitors other than surfers go, making their work unique. Surfaid specialise in working in isolated villages where maternal and child mortality rates are some of the highest in the world.

With your support, we can give families a better chance of getting ahead, by providing access to healthcare, clean water, sanitation and improved nutrition.

Anything you can donate to support our efforts is greatly appreciated:


Once you’ve made your donation please flick us an email info@belltent.com.au with your contact details so we can reach you if you’re the lucky winner!

Thanks for your help and please sing out if you’ve any questions.

Wishing you all the very best,

The team here at Breathe Bell Tents,

Lucy, Ty and Sonny 


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